However, it is possible to browse github and find the shaders you need. Unfortunately the appropriate shaders are not distributed with them. Thankfully there is an online repository of previous ReShade binaries. TIP: Now is a good time to get into the habit of backing up your shaders and keeping them in folders labelled with the appropriate ReShade version number. With each new major ReShade release, a wave of anguished cries soon follows as we all find something isn’t quite right. Most people keep backups of their preferred ReShade binary/api (that’s the exe and/or dll that hooks ReShade into your game), but few keep backups of the shaders, letting them be overwritten with each new installation. This can mean compatibility issues when you’re installing older versions of ReShade, sometimes leading to errors, other times to your presets not looking as you expect. When you install ReShade and it asks you if you’d like to download shaders from github, those shaders will be the most up-to-date. I thought it would be useful to have it in one place. I’ve posted this information already but scattered through a couple of different posts. HOW TO USE OLD VERSIONS OF RESHADE + THE CORRECT SHADERS