The program uses direct methods such asįinite-difference that are straightforward to apply but are also (listed below), even a choice among multiple approaches (as whenĭefining geometries). Nevertheless provides solid implementations of many core capabilities SIMION is positioned as an affordable package that SIMION is aimed at a wide audience, with extensive use in bothĪcademia and industry, including by most of the major mass spec
Ion traps, RF quadrupoles, ICR cells, and other MS, ion source andĪudience: No program can be all things to all people. Particle guns to highly complex instruments, including time-of-flight, Ion flight through simple electrostatic and magnetic lenses to Systems involving 2D or 3D, static low-frequency (MHz) RF fields: from Emphasize speed, accuracy, refining, and programming APIs.Īpplications: SIMION is suitable for a wide variety of